I’m a designer specializing in brand identity and digital design. Currently working at Blake and Friends.
Website for Tjuvholmen. Made @Blake.
A new way to explore Tjuvholmen.
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Website for Goldbox. Made @Blake.
Goldbox, a creative 3D illustration and animation studio, with a keen eye for creating realistic and welcoming visualisations for their clients.
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Identity for INC. Made @Blake.
Inclusive and flexible coworking spaces for modern businesses. INC fills the gaps within commercial real estate to create a bit of wonder. Providing the same comfort and benefits for short term tenants.
Identity and website for Metra. Made @Blake.
Website for Klaveness Marine. Made @Blake.
Klaveness Marine needed a clear tone of voice to set themselves apart as a safe, personal and proficient investment company.
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Website for Carucel. Made @Blake.
Carucel creates unique experiences with places that inspire. They wanted to update their image to better showcase their passion for the city floor. Giving new life to buildings and seeing their potential.
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Identity for Scatec. Made @Stem Agency.
Powered by the elements, Scatec is a renewable power producer with locations worldwide. We wanted to create a vibrant brand powered by the motions of natural resources.
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Website for Ruter. Made @Stem Agency.
Ruter is the main provider of public transport in Oslo and Viken. Ruter's digital annual reports incorporate a large amount of information, which they want to be engaging and accessible for readers, giving them an insight to their work, responsabilities and results.
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Website for Finance People. Made @Stem Agency.
Finance People are specialists in recruitment, hiring and management within the finance sector. Their goal is to create the most attractive recruitment network for finance people in Norway.
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Identity and website for Oslo Horisont, KLP. Made @Blake.
KLP wants to open up a large efficient green urban space in the Oslo city center. Oslo horisont reinvigorates the old Posten's Mail Centre, bringing the people of Oslo closer to nature and a new view of the horison. The project will expand over multiple phases, and in this first phase the goal was to give the project legs and nessesary approvals.
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